Battlestar Raven Presence - Dragon Con 2017
Dragon Con is a four day event comprised of approximately 3500 hours of panels, seminars, workshops, demonstrations and many more....

Raven Shipyard- Fleet Construction Preview
At the Raven Shipyard, the Fleet Chief Engineer is working hard at hand constructing the Raven rag tag fleet! Here is another preview of...

Edward James Olmos and Nicki Clyne - Reunites at Super Megafest Comic Con
Battlestar Galactica Fans, Edward James Olmos and Nicki Clyne, to appear together at the Super Megafest Comic Con this coming October...

Classic Series Cylon Basestar
As I have stated before, we have very talented members on the Raven hailing from all around the globe. Most of you will be familiar with...

Raven 6th Chapter Anniversary Video Contest Reminder
March 27, 2017 - 6th Chapter Anniversary of Battlestar Raven. Don't forget to send in your entries by showing your love and pride for...

Raven Beast Model Maintenance - February 17, 2017
As Comicpalooza ( May 12-14, 2017 ), approaches, the Guardians of the Raven Beast model gets busy at hand constructing a lighter ...

Instagram Account
Folks, for those of you that has an Instagram account, follow #BattlestarRavenBFC002 adventure at http://www.Instagram.com/BattlestarRave...

Happy Valentines Day 2017
The Staff and Crew of Battlestar Raven would just like wish each and everyone of you and your love ones, a very Happy Valentines Day....

PRETTY INTERESTING! Just in case you have not seen this yet. The 2004 Battlestar Galactica reboot altered a lot of the key components...

6th Chapter Anniversary
Folks, as you may know, the Raven Battle Group's 6th Chapter Anniversary is coming up next month. So, let's have some fun! To help...