Newest Addition To The Raven Fleet
The Latest and Newest Addition To Tje Raven Fleet

Tahmoh Penikett -Comes to Galacticon 4
TAHMOH PENIKETT Tahmoh is delighted to have starred as Lieutenant Karl “Helo” Agathon on the Emmy Nominated Sci Fi series Battlestar...

AAR-Comicpalooza May 22-25, 2015
Well, what can I say! The Raven Battle Group was very busy this past weekend. The group was represented at two different conventions:...

Making a BSG BDU Guide by Ens. Francois “Deathstroke” Cote
This Guide will show you how I made my BDU and where to get all the parts. Where to buy everything Shirt: I got the 2 pocket BDU shirt...