Raven Air Wing Squadrons
Welcome to the Air Wing. Here houses the finest fighter craft and pilots the Fleet has to offer. Whenever the Raven is called to Action Stations the pilots come here to prepare to launch to take any and all comers. All of the aircraft that Fleet has to offer is housed here from the Classic Mk. I Viper to the latest and most advanced Mk. VII Viper. The Raven's Raptors who are the command and control to the fighters out on Combat Sorties are also housed here. Each squadron has unique talents that make them specailists in their field of combat. To learn more about each squadron click on the nickname to be taken to their page. To join a squadron click on the squadron logo to be taken to the squadron page on the Battlstar Fanclub main sit. (Still in development)

The Raven Air Wing houses some of the best pilots in the fleet. But even the best pilots have people they look up to. All of them heroes. These are the Best of the Best they are:
Top Guns
The first commissioned squadron of the Battlestar Raven, the Spartans is the Vanguard Squadron of the Air Wing. This squadron is also home to the Viper of Commander Cherry call sign "Dragonlady" Commanded by Ens. Natalie Hallman, call sign "Nat", the Spartans carry on the legacy of the brave 300 who gave their lives to defend their homeland. Having faced insurmountable odds, using skills and tactics that have been passed down through the generations they have overcome. The Spartans have conducted numerous missions in conjunction with the squadrons of the Air Wing. For those who feel that they are worthy to follow the tradtions and legacy of this majestic squadron and join the ranks of the Spartans... There is but one question: What is YOUR profession?
The Flying Tigers Named after the historic tradition of the original American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Chinese Air Force that fought with distinction during WW-II against insurmountable odds. are a fierce force against those who seek to harm humanity. We hunt in small groups, in flights of four for superior strength, firepower and protection of their flight. Just as Tigers in the wild continuously hunt for their prey, The Flying Tiger's Squadron is on the prowl always searching for their enemies before they strike. Commanded by Lt. Eric Morelli call sign "Hitman", Tigers play hard and fight even harder, we may break our toys, but we’re not ones to litter. You can count on the Flying Tigers to get the job done, our Motto says it all: “We’re Flying, They’re Dying”!!!
Every Battlestar needs someone who knows all of the rules that Colonial Fleet brings down or changes on the fly. The pilots of the Air Wing needs to know what these changes are. This is where Perseus Squadron shines as intregal part of the Air Wing. Training the pilots in the techniques that Fleet brings down. As of right now there is not a commander of this squadron. Perhaps you are the one to step up and take control and give this squadron the direction it needs? Inquire with the Commander of the Air Group if you think you can lead this squadron.
When the Raven absolutly needs a target destroyed, the Raven calls upon the Hammer Squadron. The Hammers are the second special weapons and tactics squadron. The mix of Vipers and Raptors whose mission is to hunt and kill Basestars or any other target Raven Actual assigns them. Hammer commanded by Lt. JG Shane Coble call sign "Ogre" leads a group of pilits that consist of a Viper Mk. III with Mk. II, and Mk. VII making up the support roles making sure the nuclear armed Raptors Mk. II deliver their payload.
A special weapons and tactics squadron, the Minotaur employs a mix of fighters. The nimble and quick Viper Mk. VII to bait the Cylon Raiders to chase them until the heavily armed and armored Viper Mk. III-A nicknamed Labrys spring into action from an ambush point. The Labrys is a modified Mk. III with heavier armor and a rotary Vulcan cannon in the nose of the Viper. Designed by the squadron’s commanding officer who is also the Chief Engineering Officer, Lt. Jeff Phillips, call sign "Gambit", these pilots preach patience and firepower, lots of firepower. These pilots bring Cylons into the maze, where they do not return.
Vipers are weapons of the Air Wing but they are useless without the eyes and ears that the Raptors provide. The best of these is the command and control unit known as the Seekers. The Seekers make sure that all of the targets have been elminated, in addition they go and find any pilots that had to eject from their fighters to ensure rescue. When Raven Command needs to have recon completed Lt. JG Micheal Morelock and his band of Seekers go out and ensure that the Cylon threat is blind for when the Battlestar Raven comes in to attack. .
"This has all happened before and it will happen again."
The Blue Squadron was formed to honor those that were part of The First Cylon War. The veterns of the Colonial Fleet which were designated "The Warriors" are welcome into this prestigous squadron composed of the venerable Viper Mk. I. Seen as a Honor Squadron who performs various air shows as prescion flying squadron. The Blackstars are helpful in the continued morale of the population and the Fleet. Currently the Blue Squadron is looking for a new Commander - N/A.
"By Your Command."
This is the space that is for the members of the Battlestar Raven that identify with the Cylon race more than any of the cast members of the Battlestar Galactica from either era. The squadron is in development and the page currently is under a copy and paste project from Blue Squadron. Check back with us as we further update the information about the tactics and thoughts of the pilots of the Cylon Raiders.