The Raven Fleet is Coming to All-Con 2020
Here is a little promo video counting down to All-Con Dallas 2020. Don’t forget to join us there. FTLS ONLINE! The countdown begins to All-Con 2020 until the Raven Fleet arrives for a celebration of a lifetime. 1. The Battlestar Galactica Fan Club’s 20th Anniversary 2. The Battlestar Raven’s 9th Chapter Anniversary 3. BSG Original Cast Small Reunion Friends near and far- come and JOIN US at All-Con 2020. For more information about the convention and to purchase your tickets or order your group photo ops with the cast members, if you haven’t already done so, go o this link GROUP CLUB DISCOUNT CODE - BSGCLUBANNIV Use this code to get 33% off on all NON VIP tickets. This offer is good until March 10, 2020. It will not be accepted at the door. So get yours in advance now.