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All-Con Dallas Is Still A Go

We stand by supporting our Team BSG Viper team that is still ready to launch for All-Con Dallas for the fans and cast members still planning to attend. The Raven Fleet will be spooning up it’s FTL soon enough.

OFFICIAL Statement by our Mother Club:

On behalf of the BFC Leadership we wanted to address the current situation with All-Con Dallas.

We understand that some cast have decided to postpone their appearance until next year (All-Con 2021). While we are saddened by their decision, we completely understand their reasonings why. After all, these conventions are for you the fans, and as fans we all want to have the best experience possible.

We wanted to let you all know that the Battlestar Galactica Fanclub, @Battlestar Raven with the Raven Fleet and Team BSG Viper will still be in attendance as originally planned with the full-scale viper and models. We will still be hosting our 20th anniversary fan panel, the BSG Family feud, and our celebratory dinner on Saturday night. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there in Dallas.

If there is anything else you all have known about what we stand for, in the face of an obstacle ( Remember Galacticon 4 ), we don’t bail out as long as there are still fans and cast members still intent on attending. All people can do is be careful and take precaution. Living in fear and paranoia is not a way to live.

We support our Team BSG Viper’s decision to still move on.

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