Tyler Tweed’s Scholarship Memorial Fund
Over the holidays, the XO of Battlestar Raven-BFC 002, suffered a tremendous lost in his life when his son Tyler passed away. We kept it of the public’s eyes to give the family some privacy and time to deal with their lost. But as a parent, you can never really fully deal with the loss of a child. Even as time passes by, the hurt will still be there. Just not as fresh. All you can do is keep the memory of that child close to you.
Steve Tweed is my XO on Battlestar Raven and a friend. I do not call people a friend just like that. Many of my staff on Battlestar Raven, has been with me through thick and hard times since the group’s inception. That is how close and tight knit we are of a group. You do not have to be blood related to be a family. You just choose to do it because you feel it and act on it.
The reason for this post is that I would like for this community to come together for one of our very own, and open their hearts into donating whatever you could spare, towards the memorial fund established in Tyler Tweed’s memory. Tyler was a diesel mechanic and his scholarship will be for people who are interested in mechanics at Madison College. Tyler was a graduate of that program and loved working in the mechanical field. Tyler passed away on December 14th 2022 at the age of 24 from complications from diabetes. All funds donated will be used to fund this scholarship.
He is a wonderful young man taken too soon from his parents and friend’s lives. Tyler maybe gone, but he will never be forgotten. Not by his immediate family and second family.
So Say We All!
Battlestar Galactica Fanclub President
CO- Battlestar Raven-BFC 002
